Christyn Schroeder Montgomery

Yoga Instructor

A teacher to people of all ages, Christyn’s creative classes encourage students to embody their innately curious nature, leading to a more authentic understanding of themselves and the impact they hope to make outside of the yoga studio. Her yoga education has been diverse and deep. Since beginning her yoga journey with Iyengar yoga while still in high school, Christyn has dipped her toe into many traditions, completing numerous trainings along the way. She has studied in depth with Shiva Rea, Barbara Benagh, Angela Farmer, as well as spent a year studying anatomy and movement therapy with Tom Myers. In 2023 Christyn completed her M.S. in Yoga Therapy. Christyn is also deeply passionate about the profound benefits yoga can bring to kids. In 2007 she founded KidPowerment Yoga, which brings yoga and mindfulness to children in educational and clinical setting around the greater Boston area. Regarded as an expert in her field, Christyn has presented at the National Children’s Yoga Conference, the National Conference on Children and Homelessness, as well as countless workshops and in-services for teachers. Christyn is based in Boston, but is blessed to be invited to teach around the country and the world. She lives by the Thoreau quote, “Be not simply good, be good for something.”

Follow this link to book for Tuesday evening class.