Jane Henderson


Jane Henderson, RYT 200, is an experienced yoga teacher and has been teaching since 2007. As a senior member and facilitator of the Teacher’s Study Project directed by Coeli Marsh, Jane specializes in alignment based slow flow and restorative yoga. She is known for creating a strong container encouraging students to find an environment of balance and freedom. Jane teaches Vinyasa yoga that focuses on alignment and being present and awake to the moment. Her classes are open to all and thoughtfully combine strong asana with meditation and restorative poses.

Jane is passionate about sharing all that yoga has given her: strength to do things she thought impossible, serenity in the midst of chaos and courage to undertake challenges. More that fifty years of life experience has been Jane’s greatest teacher and surviving breast cancer has been one of the most powerful forces in her growth.


“I love being able to show up as I am and share that teaching. My practice is continually inspired from a range of things: practicing other types of yoga (other than vinyasa), and studying how the body works in other activities (running, weight training, skiing, biking). I love to see how everything is connected.”
