Introducing Santosh Karmacharya

Santosh Karmacharya grew up in Kathmandu, Nepal. He lives in Watertown with his wife Sachié and their two boys Ashwin and Syrus.

Santosh has a number of roles at the Om Namo Center; owner, bodyworker, trainer, and teacher. His focus for bodywork is to figure out the mechanics and functions of the body and restore alignment through massage work, acupuncture, acupressure, PT, and chiropractic work. As a trainer he uses a wholistic approach with individual clients as well as with groups of students.

When asked what brings him the most joy and satisfaction in his work, he didn’t hesitate…

talking and teaching!”

Anyone who has had Santosh as a teacher recognizes the sparkle in his eye when he is explaining how the body works and how we can make adjustments to our behaviors in order to become healthier.

Santosh attended the School of Oriental Medicine in Nepal and truly had an international influence;

I was trained by teachers from Japan, Korea, China and Nepal!”

The next subject that Santosh hopes to study is neurobiology!

Not only does Santosh teach about health and wellbeing, he lives it;

I have completed seven 140.6 Ironman races, fifteen 70.3 Ironman races, and I’m running my tenth consecutive Boston Marathon this year, and I’ve done a few ultra Marathons. I go to bed at the same time every night – 9:30pm.”

Despite all of his amazing accomplishments, Santosh is a humble person, and recently shared on his social media,

I’m thankful for my mind, my health and my family, extended family and friends. Thank you for accepting me, it brings me so much courage, comfort and confidence to propel myself forward. With immense gratitude. I hold you close to me.”

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