Introducing Angela Bavuso

Angela Bavuso grew up in Woburn and lives in Watertown now. She has two children and a dog named Pluto. Pluto was named after the lord of the Underworld!

Angela has many talents as a massage therapist, but she feels that chronic pain relief is her specialty.

She has been doing massage therapy since 2010 ~ she started out working in Watertown.

Angela joined us at Om Namo this past summer, and we are so glad that she did!

She remembers something valuable from her training and is able to apply it to her work;

Slowing down can offer a greater impact… a less is more kind of idea!”

Angela enjoys teaching Yoga here at the Center, and she also enjoys learning. She is interested in learning about Manual Lymphatic Drainage or MLD.

She definitely enjoys her work because she had more than one answer to the question about what brings her the most joy and satisfaction;

The most joy and satisfaction is the appreciation I receive from clients and the referrals of loved ones, that is definitely the greatest compliment. Also, seeing more ease of movement with clients after (they see me) or when clients notice decrease in pain and more ease with daily activities.”

The advice Angela gives her clients and students is to,

find movement in all of your joints every day.”

Check out her Slow Flow Yoga class on Mondays at 5:30pm, or come for a massage any Monday, Tuesday or Saturday!

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