Why Do We Move? by Sean O’Hara

Children are amazing at asking questions that are difficult or even impossible to answer. They ask “Why?” repeatedly. Child: Why do we live in Belmont?Mom: Because after your Father and I got [...]

Tip of the Iceberg by Claire Millet

She sits across from me. Already I noticed things about how she stands, moves, tilts her head. I file away the subtleties of how she turns to get something from her bag and pivots from her hips, [...]

Get Started

Get Started Welcome and thank you for being a part of the Om Namo family! Om Namo Center recently updated to the Momence platform for appointments and classes. Here are the two ways you can [...]

Seasonal Changes by Pär Scott

One aspect of Chinese medicine is the deep belief in the correspondence of the human body and its environment. When we lose our connection with the day and night cycle the effects are [...]

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