Sound Healing

Sound Healing is a technique that works with subtle and invisible life force and energy recognized in oriental medicine. It is received fully clothed through gentle, specific hand placements or the vibrations from carefully tuned crystal singing bowls. The therapists remove blockages of energy and increase your connection to the source energy, which activates the natural healing processes of the client’s body. Treatments restore physical and emotional well-being.

Sound Healing uses the vibration of sound to reach whatever is out of alignment within a person’s physical and/or energetic bodies. Through vibration any part of the body or energy field that is “out of tune” gets a tune up, allowing realignment and healing to take place. Treatments are received fully clothed, surrounded by the carefully tuned singing bows. The practitioner creates a sound bath, immersing the client in healing, vibrational sound.

Regretfully, Om Namo is currently pausing this service.