About Om Namo
Om Namo Center is a holistic wellness center in Belmont, Massachusetts. Om Namo Center (formerly Oriental Medicine) was founded by Santosh Karmacharya in 2007. With an initial focus on massage and acupuncture, it became clear to Santosh and the practitioners at the Center that clients were not experiencing improvements in their health; they would continue to come back with the same issues. Santosh began to expand his practice beyond acupuncture and bodywork to include physical therapy, chiropractic techniques and yoga in order to understand the mechanics of the body in detail. This multi-disciplinary approach guides the healing treatments now offered at Om Namo Center.
The Center’s carefully curated offerings include massage, acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Reiki as well as yoga and movement classes. We treat, educate, and empower guests using the services available at the Center and beyond. Our vision is to create a healing center based on long-term health and happiness, not just “quick fixes” so common in fitness fads or trends. This community values self-inquiry and holistic healing. Join us!
Yoga Teachers & Therapists
Our movement and yoga teachers and wellness therapists are highly trained, representing diverse educational backgrounds. Each member of the team shares Om Namo Center’s vision for holistic health. Teachers and therapists will work with you to achieve your goals. Learn more about our team, and contact us at any time with questions or to learn more.
Massage & Bodywork
Yoga & Movement Classes
Om Namo Center is located at 93 Trapelo Road in Belmont, MA 02478
The Center is open 15 minutes prior to yoga & movement classes and by appointment.
On-street parking is available free for 1-2 hours. The Center is in Cushing Square. It is accessible by the 71 and 73 busses.
We love to answer your questions or assist with booking appointments anytime during regular business hours, Monday – Wednesday – Friday 9AM-3PM. Stop by, or leave us a message at (617) 868-0756. You can book appointments and class reservations online at any time.