Wellness Living

New Online System!

As a diverse holistic health center, we offer many different services. In the past we have faced the challenge of finding a system that accommodates all of our different offerings. 

At times, this has been confusing for our students and clients. The current pandemic and the move to a more virtual environment has introduced additional challenges.

We are very happy to introduce Wellness Living, a system that will manage all of our services including appointments, scheduling, live classes, on-demand videos, and billing. The Wellness Living user interface is very simple and smooth, and we are very excited to use it. It is very likely you already have a username; so for many of you logging in to Living Wellness will simply require you to reset your password and update current information such as email and billing information, if you choose.

We are available to assist in this process should the need arise at 617-868-0756.
