Dear Community, We are sure you are aware of the growing concern over COVID-19 (also known as coronavirus). As a healing center, your health and wellness is our top priority. Concerns over [...]
Thoughts on Meditation Tom Hogan teaches yoga at Om Namo Center. This month he shares his thoughts on the value of meditation. I remember the day like it was yesterday. It was January 2nd, 2011, [...]
Alecia Dayger is a massage therapist and yoga instructor at Om Namo Center. This month, she sheds light on a common and sometimes confusing shoulder ailment. You may have first noticed it three [...]
Shyam Nepali & Amy Beshara describe how to get the most benefit out of your sound healing experience. They provide tips on how to set up your treatment area and on specific exercises that [...]
With the Patriots big win (congrats Super Bowl LIII Champs!), Om Namo Manager and teacher Tom Hogan revisits the time that Coach Bill Belichik used a mantra to deal with a tough situation and how [...]
This month on the blog, personal trainer and Om Train Instructor, Sean O’Hara explores movement and how he draws inspiration from human evolution to inform his teaching at the Center. The [...]